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Things Happening

I’ve started working on a version of “Astounding Spam” and “Stop Spammers” plugins that does not require WordPress. I have researched how to load a PHP program before anything else loads. This will allow any website that can run PHP to stop spam from loading up on form submits.
I don’t suppose I’ll ever finish it, but at least I have the idea and have even written part of it.
This year I harvested about 40 pounds of honey from my hives and I’ll be getting some more, perhaps, next week. The first batch is almost gone.
I installed Awstats on my home server and I am trying to get it to work right so I can see what kind of traffic I get. I am getting very few hits on my websites. Google doesn’t seem to find my sites anymore. Installing Awstats is the first step in doing the necessary SEO optimization of my sites. The problem that I am having is updating the Awstats library every day. I’ll be checking in a few minutes to see if my “task manager” solution has worked.
I have been downloading Jason Ricci’s Harmonica instruction videos as audio only and putting them on an iPod. I like my old iPods. They have many hours of battery life and I can listen while I walk without the complications of using my phone. I am going to create a “mix tape” of the things that I need to practice.
Erica and I are running out of British crime dramas. I may have to actually pay for Acorn TV. There is absolutely nothing on network TV to watch right now.